The Sushi Prophecies by August Hill

Vancouver has become a disturbed, retched mess of murderous blue-bloods and lost hipster gardeners, sadistic baristas and immortal sushi masters. A drug-fed breeding ground of scoundrels set in an orgy of late-night tapa bars, yoga classes and sunset booze cruises.

At first, I was into this novel. I thought it was satirical and irreverent and hilarious, but my opinion changed rather rapidly. The plot dragged for a long time and at times became so convoluted that I had a hard time keeping track of it. I felt that I had also fallen victim to the mysterious Plant. I'm still not sure what I really make of the plot, and I wouldn't know who to recommend this book to.

Hill does have a beautiful writing style though, and his characters are extremely well written. I would love to read something by him that was shorter in content to try out - and likely enjoy his work.

I received an advance review copy for free in exchange for an honest review.


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