Frostblood by Elly Blake
Ruby is a Fireblood who has hidden her powers from the Frostblood ruling class her entire life. But when she is discovered, the wrath of a bloodthirsty king descends on her village and she must flee. Under the tutelage of Frostblood masters she must learn to harness her gift and try to overthrow the system that would have her head.
I rather enjoyed this novel. To me it was sort of Red Queen meets The Hunger Games, books that I loved. Ruby is an interesting character who I think grapples well wiht the internal struggle of learning to love and to forgive. I like that there is a darkness portrayed within her that she struggles with although I wish the struggle was hinted at earlier on. We know that she has a temper and we see it manifest, but we do not truly see darkness creep in until the end. I think that it would have bene more interesting to see her struggle with this earlier on.
There are some elements of the plot that I found very predictable (I won't say what to avoid spoilers), but that could just be because I have read a lot of similar novels. I also felt that the romance subplot could have been given a little more room to breathe and some more focus as it seems a little abrupt.
Overall, a book I enjoyed and would recommend to others and a 4 star rating from me.
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