So You Want to Talk About Race? by Ijeoma Oluo
In this work, Oluo tackles the uncomfortable subject of discussing race.
That the book is broken down into short chapters makes it an easily digested book, but that doesn't mean it is an easy read. It is hard-hitting and will leave readers examining their words and actions on a deep level as they confront racism in all its forms.
While Oluo does point out that the systemic racism she observes in the United States is not unique to America, it does feel like the text is more applicable to America in general. Then again, this belief has left me questioning whether or not that is my white privilege blinding me to what is going on around me. This book definitely has made me open my eyes to the fact that I do remain ignorant to POC experiences and want to further my own education in the matter.
An important book for everyone to read, that is for sure! 4/5 stars.
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