Cinderbiter by Martin Shaw & Tony Hoagland
A modernized collection of old Celtic poems with dynamic versions of familiar folk-hero tales.
I enjoy myths, legends and poetry so it seemed natural for me to give Cinderbiter a spin. I was peripherally aware of some Celtic legends, but not all which made reading this a new experience for me. I did enjoy the modernization, the language upcdates definitely made these poems accessible to the modern day reader. I also felt that Shaw and Hoagland did give us snappy, lyrical versions of the poetry.
However, I'm not sure if it was my ignorance, that I wasn't particularly feeling this book at this particular moment or that I didn't care for the style of the poetry. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't quite grasping the meaning or the tales (very well could be ignorance!) and sometimes I just did not enjoy the poems.
Overall, an okay read, but not one I would rave about. 3/5 stars from me.
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